Friday 13 March 2015

We Are Indians Firstly And Lastly. But When?

Frankly, I have no interest in language sentiment. I dunno when the language politics will end in India. Now-a-days our Indians are barking about the corruption. At the same time their voice are keep dump about the biggest corruption in the history so called the Caste system in India that prevalent till. I can say anywhere firstly and Lastly am an Indian, not a Tamilan. I want everyone to be Indian first and last. But I never Proud for being an Indian. For me Language is just a means of communication and sharing our views. I do respect all languages. Of course I know Tamil, English and Something about Pali and Hindi. It's just a Language which give separate expressions. It's my own interest to learn any other languages. If I have interest in Marathi or Telugu or anything, I will learn it. No problem in it. The problem is not with languages, the problem is impound compulsion the particular language overhead others. May be Tamil is one among the classical languages of the world. I do respect Tamil language because it only express my view whatever from mine to others, at the same time love every Languages. But not fanatic over Tamil language. We have right to love the Language but it would not lead beyond the peak stage. One know, how to love their own mother. We no need anyone teach for how to love their mother. This is what so happen in our country. Today it grew up by political arena gain. Surely it makes a new political scenario in our Nation base Language. The politicians made the conspiracy and gain for their own vote banking sake. I do not see no more difference between the Central government & all the state governments. Both central govt and all the state govt are trying to imposed compulsion on one particular language over other. India is not a land of Hindi speakers alone. We have more than 1500 languages in India. And Hindi is not our National Language. First of all there is no National Language in India. Like Tamil Nadu is not a state of Tamil speakers alone, around 8 to 10% of the people residing in TN speak Tamil with Telugu. Mere % of Some people speak Kannada, Urdu and Malayalam here. Every Indians must think that they are Indians firstly and Lastly beyond the languages. We are fighting one each other ourselves in name of silly things. Whatever we are stagger, whatever we are stunt, I put hope on our upcoming may be in optimist.

With regards, Ambeth, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu.

[ 13 January 2013] Jai bheem..!

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